Welcome to the LearnATAK project. The following is an outline of the order you should follow to cover the subject material. Demo plugins are also provided.

First Step For All

Please review the Project Guidelines to understand how to report issues and submit questions in a format that allows us to help you.

Setup android studios and ATAK

Follow the documents in the Setup folder to install android studios and use it to run ATAK on your android device.

  1. Android Studio Setup
  2. Run ATAK
  3. Run ATAK Plugins
  4. ATAK Plugin Quick Setup

New to Android Development?

Checkout the Android Guide for Android Basics, and User Interface design tutorials.

  1. Android Basic Concepts
    1. Lifecycles
    2. Activities
    3. Intents
    4. ViewModels
    5. Fragments
    6. Services
  2. A Tutorial for Creating UI layouts
    1. Intro to XML Files
    2. Intro to Android’s Interface for designing UIs
    3. Linear Layouts
    4. Frame Layouts
    5. Grid Layouts
    6. Scroll View
    7. Relative Layouts
    8. Constraint Layouts
    9. Recycler View
    10. Display your UIs
    11. Access Text and Images
    12. Create working Buttons
  3. Using UI Widgets
    1. Drawable and Colors Folders
    2. Using Text
      1. TextView
      2. EditText
      3. AutoCompleteTextView
    3. Working with Images
      1. ImageView
    4. Creating Buttons
      1. Button
      2. Radio Buttons
  4. Working with Multi-Page Views: Fragments
    1. Why Fragments?
    2. Creating a Swipe View
    3. Adding Tabs
    4. Creating Fragments

New to Android Tactical Awareness Kit (ATAK)?

Checkout ATAK Guide for an overview on ATAK, a quick reference, working with databases, and common issues and questions.

  1. Team Awareness Kit (TAK) Overview
  2. Navigating ATAK
  3. Room Database with ATAK
    1. Creating the database object
    2. Add CRUD and Query functions
    3. Creating the database
    4. Create a Wrapper Class
    5. Creating a view model
    6. Using your database in ATAK
    7. Querying your database

Working with Machine Learning?

Checkout the Machine Learning folder for an introduction to ML and guides for setting up and creating models for your plugin.

  1. Introduction to Machine Learning
    1. What is Machine Learning?
    2. How is Machine Learning Used?
    3. How Machine Learning works
    4. Training and Testing
    5. Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning
    6. Deep Learning
    7. Model Inference
  2. Machine Learning Breakdown
    1. Intro & Basics
    2. ML Development and Plugin Integration Process
    3. Tips & Tricks
    4. ML Problems, Datasets, and Models from Scratch
    5. Notes & Further Resources
    6. Learning More About ML Beyond ATAK

Example Plugins

Checkout the example plugins below! A great starting point is the hello world demo because it incorporates lots of UI designs and functionalities.

Have Questions? Need More Help?

Checkout the Common FAQs