Updated: 12 December 2022

This repository is a learning resource for new or veteran Android developers to understand the fundamentals of developing plugins for Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK). The maintainers of this repository are not official maintainers or representatives of the ATAK development team. This issue tracker is not the best place to ask questions about standard ATAK functionality. For those kinds of questions, please first consult the most up to date links to Reddit forums and the Discord Community on the “Community” tab of the official CivTAK website.

Reporting Issues? Need Help?

Before reporting an issue or question about the content in this repository please search the existing repository’s issues to see if your issue has already been reported by someone else.

If your problem or question has not been asked, please copy/paste the following template to help us help you.

Issue Template

Provide a brief descriptive issue name in the “Title” field. Then fill out the relevant sections of the template below.

  # Topic

- Specify one of the following topic areas the problem is occurring: Demo AI / Demo Camera / Demo Hello World / Documentation

# Environment

- Android OS Version: ##
- Devices affected: <Specific Brand Model Version (ex: Samsung Galaxy S3)>

# Observed Behavior and Steps to reproduce

[Provide any stacktraces, error messages, and detailed step sequence to create the issue. The more details you provide will improve our ability to replicate your setup and identify potential issues.]