This plugin was developed to provide a starting point to build off of if your plugin requires the use of capturing a still image using the default Android camera application.

   participant MainDropDown
    participant ExamplePageDropDown
    participant CameraActivity
    MainDropDown-->>CameraActivity: Press the Camera Button to Begin Camera Activity
    CameraActivity-->> MainDropDown: Once Picture is taken, user is automatically returned back to MainDropDown
    MainDropDown -->> ExamplePageDropDown: Press Sample Action Button to begin Action 
    ExamplePageDropDown -->> MainDropDown: Press Go Back Button to begin Action

The CameraActivity class is an example of how to add an Activity to your ATAK plugin. When you select the toolbar icon, the MainDropDown UI pane will display the Main Dropdown pane. The camera button on the right demonstrates how to launch the the Camera Activity with an intent while the text button on the left demonstrates how to create an intent to open a secondary Example Page for a plugin.

How to build and run this plugin

  1. Build the application signing keys which are required by the Android Operating System (OS) for security when installing software packages. At the bottom of the IDE there should be a Terminal tab you can open to launch a terminal session in the root folder of the plugin.

      # Run the following commands in your Android Studio Terminal
    # Generate Debug signing key: set "alias", "keypass", and "storepass" flag values as desired
    keytool -genkeypair -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US" -validity 9999 -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -storepass android 
    # Generate Release signing key: set "alias", "keypass", and "storepass" flag values as desired
    keytool -genkeypair -dname "CN=Android Release,O=Android,C=US" -validity 9999 -keystore release.keystore -alias androidreleasekey -keypass android -storepass android 
  2. Edit the template-camera/ file to add the following lines.<ANDROID_SDK_PATH> and the sdk.dir should already be filled out by the IDE with the default Android SDK file path. <ABSOLUTE_PLUGIN_PATH> should be a complete file path to the root plugin folder. Example plugin path: C\:\\tak\\atak-civ-sdk-\\atak-civ\\learnatak\\template-camera

NOTE: Ensure your directory path is escaped properly on Windows. Follow the default sdk.dir for formatting reference or the example path above. The most common mistake is forgetting the first escape character C\:. Gradle Exceptions will be thrown until your paths are correctly formatted.

  1. We recommend setting your JDK (java version) to version 11

  2. Ensure Build Variant option is selected to “civDebug”

First Steps to Modify Template

Look for the // TODO comments within the project to be reminded or directed towards areas that need modification or your plugin’s logic. Android Studio is based on the Intellij IDE which has a TODO tab to view a list of all comments containing TODO items.